This is the story of Flap, a young finch that practices flying with his two friends Neil and Zippy. Returning to the group after a bad accident, Flap discovers that he has a terror of jumping off of their normal practise rock. As staying grounded for the rest of his life is not an option, he finds a way to blast himself into the sky, and past the wall of fear he has been having.
Zippy's House. This is my suggestion for whereZippycould live with his parents and 10 identicalbrothers and sisters. The house is patchedupwithdifferent elements, thatthefamily has comeabout, duringtheyears, the romantic railing at the front, Zippy'smomfound in the junk yard, and thought is wastoosweet to waste.She is sort ofatatched to it now, becauseit'ssometingthat is her addition to the house, and sometimesshecanfeel a little lost and unappresiated by the rest ofthefamily.